Our innovations come with the research to back them up
What is going on in the health sciences world today and how we are implementing it.

E-Learning and Health Science Education
E-learning has become a more common method of education as technology has grown increasingly commonplace. As technology has advanced and a greater focus has been placed on e-learning, it has become a rich, interactive pedagogical tool that can increase access to education. Virtual classrooms allow students to do more work from home, decreasing the need for transportation, childcare. It also decreases the effect of physical and mental health conditi…
Grading Discrepancies
Much of modern medical education is highly standardized; medical students at schools across the USA and Canada, regardless of their institution, can expect to be trained in the same core scientific knowledge and clinical experience. They will all be expected to demonstrate skill in three areas: medical knowledge, medical skill, and professionalism and cultural competency. Grading across schools has proven…
Attendance and Student Performance
Does better attendance improve student performance? According to NCBI, students who attend class are more likely to perform better on homework and exams compared to students who do not attend class as often. With the implementation of eduCATE’s Attendance Tracker, student attendance and performance is likely to increase significantly.
Through eduCATE’s Attendance Tracker, profess…
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Find out how eduCATE can improve your program\’s classroom management with customizable community tools, powerful grading options, a flexible and intuitive mobile app.